
Install apache ant ubuntu
Install apache ant ubuntu

install apache ant ubuntu

And append to the PATH the location of the JDK's bin directory and the compiler, javac. profile file by launching it as:įind out where your Java installation is:Įxport the JAVA_HOME variable such that it points to the installation of the JDK you are using. Go to /Scratch/your-username, then either use emacs (or some other text editor) to make the changes to the. profile file, containing your settings, to export JAVA_HOME and update the PATH to point to your Java installation.

install apache ant ubuntu

$ export PATH=/Scratch/your-username/subversion/bin:$PATHĮditing your. Next, add the path to the bin directory to the paths already exported:

install apache ant ubuntu

Now it's created a folder called 'subversion' in your-username, because that's what –prefix told it to do above. Then run the following two commands in the x-term: with-apr-util=/Scratch/your-username/apu/bin/apu-1-config with-apr=/Scratch/your-username/apr/bin/apr-1-config configure -prefix=/Scratch/your-username/subversion Make sure you use the paths to subversion, apr and apr-util that are appropriate for your situation: The following is separated into multi-lines, but type them all on the same line in the x-term separated by spaces. $ tar -xzf /path/to/subversion-1.4.4.tar.gz $ cd /path/to/folder/containing/subversion-1.4.4.tar.gz To install the versioning control system "subversion" (SVN)–the example of SVN version 1.4.4 is covered in the steps below and –type in the Xterm:

Install apache ant ubuntu